A letter from our CEO in reaction to the covid-19 situation
I would like to inform the market, our Clients and Partners that our company group I founded 15 years ago, faces the challenge caused by covid-19 with a strong financial background. This is thanks to our hard work during these years and our continuous focus on development, either we talk about a worldwide epidemic or a brand new market opportunity.
Last week I started a new commercial strategical package which will lead to serious development and success and ultimately a new ancillary solution for the airlines establishing a new revenue source for them. These developments will not be stopped, we keep working on it so that we could continue the successful cooperation with our current and new airline Clients.
Our teams will not be cut off, moreover as soon as the crisis is over we will welcome our new colleagues to our company, selected through our Junior Programme.
These are hard times in the trade I know, but may be the best time to plan for the future on an airline or a supplier level.
Zsolt Kutasi, CEO